
things of various nature.

multi-instrumentation pop.

an evening rant.

Air Tree Water
they're all we need.


Wen - Final demo

Summer 2003

During the summer of 2002, we moved into a rehearsal space under a wallpaper factory in Hoboken, NJ. For nearly a year, we played out often. Towards the end the following Spring, we took a break to record a few songs in our own studio. However, soon after we started the recording process, we decided we all needed a break and tend to things that interested us beyond what we were doing musically. And so we dissolved the band amicably over these last few songs.

  1. Beautiful & Boring
  2. The City Vs.
  3. Almond Joy

Wen - songs from the basement

Fall 2002

Tracked exclusively in a New Brunswick basement, this three-song EP was the promotional CD that we'd give to anyone who'd lend an ear. The whole project took months to complete. Full-time jobs combined with lots of travel limited working sessions on the CD to strictly weekends. Frank Celauro, our engineer, was kind enough to put up with us showing up at his place almost every Saturday for what seemed like months. We mixed the tracks ourselves and took it to a mastering studio in New York City before sending it off for production. While not completely satisfied, we learned the importance of constraints: when you have all the time in the world, you just might take that long to finish something.

  1. Rocketship
  2. Antihero
  3. Mistakes Yesterday

Wen - Avoid the Subject

Winter 1999

We went back to the studio deep in New Jersey a few months after our first session and recorded four more songs. We combined the new tracks and tracks from our earlier session and released this longer play of a CD. The song "8 Hours Away" was recorded in the bedroom using a $13 mic and a computer, and was thrown in as a hidden track of sorts.

  1. Four Page Letters
  2. Nothing's Different
  3. Fualiens
  4. 34
  5. Miss Mystery
  6. Maladroid
  7. Maxi
  8. A Lighter Shade of Green
  9. 8 Hours Away

Wen - Self-Untitled

Summer 1998

Our first recording in a real (i.e., expensive) studio. We recorded and mixed everything in a single day. The song "8-10 Repeat" was badly off-time, but we figured we had just forked over so much money as it were, we might as well throw the track on our CD.

  1. Nothing's Different
  2. Miss Mystery
  3. 8-10 Repeat
  4. Maxi